從8 隊入圍隊伍的圖書館流動程式中選出自己喜歡的作品, 給它按個讚吧!
App name: XLibrary | |
App name: XLibrary Team name: Lei ZHAN App description: XLibrary 是為了讓大家擁有更豐富的圖書選擇,以及更便捷地享用圖書館服務而打造的。 a)私有書目列表通過結合校園圖書館館藏和您的私人藏書, XLib 打造出針對您的書目列表,您可以很方便的對線下收藏進行管理: 私藏, 借閱, 二手, 圖書館! 您更可以利用 XLib 在各大社交平台發布與書目有關的內容: 評論, 推薦, 甚至是二手書! b)二手書市場 XLib 內置二手書市場, 你可以隨時從私有書目中選擇不再想要的圖書發布到二手書市場, 同時留下預期價格和聯絡方式, 感興趣的小夥伴會主動聯絡你。您也可以通過 XLib 把不再需要的書捐贈給圖書館噢! c)請求中心 請求中心是 XLib 的靈魂, 您可以在請求中心發布任何有關書目的請求: 想借的某本書圖書館沒有?不想走去圖書館, 找小夥伴幫忙還書? 想找小夥伴推薦某個領域的書目? 不想去圖書館還, 線下轉接? 這一切 XLib 都可以幫到您! 只要發佈的時候留下聯系方式, 馬上會有不懷好意的學長來聯繫您! |
App name: Mobile Library APP | |
App name: Mobile Library APP Team name: Yiwei Li, Xuxiao Mao, Cheng Wang, Honghao Xu, Junwen Yao App description: This APP aims to provide University Library services with an easier way. It consolidates different login systems with only one account. This account allows you to book group study rooms, cancel your bookings, renew books and so on. It provides a better searching experience. Book results will directly show the status of each book. What’s more, the APP visualizes the book’s location. It will point the book on the map. With built access to new collections and recommendations, this allows students view good books anytime and anywhere. Enjoy it! |
App name: CUHK LIB | |
App name: CUHK LIB Team name: Ng Wai Leung and Leung Wai Keung App description: CUHK LIB is a CUHK library app that aims at: 1. Providing detailed information about CUHK libraries for CUHK peers in an effective and efficient manner. 2. Encouraging the students to enjoy the facilities in CUHK libraries. 3. Helping the library outreach to more potential users. It provides some offline basic information like opening hours and contacts. Catalogue search is also available. A merit to the catalogue search is that after a user has searched a book and clicked on it, a floor plan will pop up, showing exactly where the user should go in order to get the book. On top of that we have also built a service to detect the number of available computers in libraries. In this way, students can save plenty time searching for an unoccupied computer. |
App name: HKG Librarian | |
App name: HKG Librarian Team name: 鄭智龍 Cheng Chi Lung, Wiky App description: HKG Librarian 提供書藉查閱並搜尋最近可供借閱的圖書館地點以及存書數量。用戶借書後可經書藉上的ISBN barcode 記錄其借書記錄,程式會自動輸入圖書的資料以及其歸還日期以提醒用戶準時還書,用戶更可以透過日歷的形式查閱其借還記錄。為推鼓勵閱讀風氣,程式會顥示用戶的朋友以及圖書館推薦的書藉。內置的導航功能會顥示最就近的圖書館,並指示用戶如何以步行到達該圖書館。透過各式各樣不同的功能使大眾能於指尖上接觸到不同的書藉資訊,藉以推廣閱讀文化。 |
App name: NextULS | |
App name: NextULS Team name: Cinfinity (Elton Chung Yiu Ting, To Kin Hang, Yeung Ngai Kin, Ho Kwan, Cheung Hiu Hang, Ko Tsun Chung) App description: NextULS - the next generation ULS mobile app. With an simple yet easy-to-use interface, plus user-oriented features such as location-based room booking function, interactive catalogue search and easy access to eResources. Access all you need from ULS within seconds with NextULS. NextULS - 新世代的大學圖書館系統流動應用程式。擁有簡單易用之介面,並提供一系列以用戶為本之功能:基於用戶位置之研讀室預約、互動圖書館目錄搜尋及輕鬆存取電子資源。NextULS 讓你在彈指間從大學圖書館得到所需要之資訊。 |
App name: CULIB | |
App name: CULIB Team name: IELIB (YANG, Chi; LIN, Shuying; GAO, Xun; LIN, Shengyi; WANG, Yuanlu) App description: CULIB aims to “access the library in a mobile way”. The app utilize mobile sensors on a smartphone to facilitate readers. For instance, by pointing the camera towards the cover of an interesting book in the bookstore, readers can search for the book in the library system and check its availability. In addition, readers can always locate themselves inside the library by tapping the NFC tag attached on a bookshelf, or read and post comments from other users by tapping the tag embedded inside a book. With the digital map, the books are located directly by a pin on the map, instead of by a shelf code. We believe that, with this app, you can use your community library more conveniently and efficiently. |
App name: CUHK Library Mobile App | |
App name: CUHK Library Mobile App Team name: Deng Yubin, Tong Kwan App description: To meet our schoolmates’ needs, implementation of new features is working on our app. Our app contains more than the main features of original library app which are booking room, searching book, news from library and some basic information of library. The main additional feature is AskAround. This is a function for facilitate the communication between students in CUHK. It require login for the students. All valid students can be chat in a public chat room or change the page for the individual talk. There is another function is Ask us. It is a function for students to ask more complicated question about the library. The third feature is Mighty Navigator. It is a navigator for students and visitors to find the route for travelling from place to place. It is very useful for someone not familiar with the route in CUHK. The forth feature is Music. The app has implement the music function for playing music when the user is using the app. This can provide a comfortable environment for using the app. |
App name: Cublink | |
App name: Cublink Team name: Breakthrough App description: Cublink is a user friendly app provided a platform for users easily access required resources. The 4 main features are: EASY. Easy Elect, Easy Access, Easy Search, Easy Yield. This app provides daily book recommendations and e-learning resources which suit everyone's needs. |