會前工作坊: 香港中文大學蒙民偉工程學大樓四樓407室
8:30 | 註冊 |
9:00 | 工作坊 1 – Emerging Mobile Technologies and their Applications in Libraries 主持人- Mr. Joe Murphy 及 Prof Mohamed Ally This workshop will explore the newest and biggest mobile technology trend areas that are of interest to library services, mobile education, space, outreach, and collections. Participants will have a chance to experiment and learn hands on with several important mobile tools, apps, and services so bring your smart device if you have one or prepare to take notes if you do not. Participants will also get the opportunity to access mobile friendly library sites and to make comments on the sites. The latter part of the workshop will include an interactive discussion on best practices for mobile library programs and look into the future of mobile technologies in libraries. |
11:00 | 茶歇 |
11:15 | 繼續工作坊 1 |
12:30 | 午膳 |
13:30 | 工作坊 2 - Mobile Technologies - The Metamorphosis of Higher Education 主持人- Gilbert Ho, Strategic Initiative Group, WW Education, Apple Welcome to join us for a half day for sharing ideas and experiences relating to instructional technology. Mobile devices and new content delivery tools for both synchronous and asynchronous learning are turning traditional paradigms upside down and putting students in charge of their learning. This is intended as a pragmatic approach to sharing best practices with respect to change leadership, infrastructure, assessment, utilization of technology as well as creating a forum for collaboration and innovation. Participants will:
15:15 | 茶歇 |
15:30 | 繼續工作坊 2 |
17:15 | 工作坊完結 |
8:00 | 註冊 | |||
8:50 |
中國文藝表演 |
9:40 |
開幕主題演講: Mr. Joe Murphy (Library Futures at Innovative) 摘要 | PowerPoint 簡報 | 影片 (主持人: Louise Jones) |
10:40 | 茶歇 | |||
11:00 | 分組報告1 | |||
1A – 圖書館運用流動通訊技術的最佳實踐 (主持人: Steve Schafer) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層五號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
Web vs. Native Application: best practices and considerations in the development and design of web applications | Gillian Nowlan | University of Regina Library | 加拿大 | |
Assessing students’ perception of ease-of-use and satisfaction on mobile library website: private university perspective in Bangladesh | Md. Maidul Islam | University of Dhaka | 孟加拉 | |
BYOD @ HKUL: Success, Failure and Lessons Learned | Y. C. Wan | University of Hong Kong Libraries | 香港 | |
Strategic Mobile Library Development: the place of library apps and the options for creating them | Josh Clark | University College, Dublin | 愛爾蘭 | |
1B – 圖書館採用創新的流動通訊技術所面對的挑戰和策略 (主持人: Christine Tucker) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層四號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
M-Libraries User Services: A survey of World Leading Database Publishers for mobile devices | Dr PK Jain | Institute of Economic Growth | 印度 | |
Dr Parveen Babbar | Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi | |||
Geeta Paliwal | University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi | |||
Anyone can do it: Building, developing, and maintaining a library mobile website without specialist knowledge | Christopher Chan | Au Shue Hung Memorial Library Hong Kong, Baptist University |
香港 | |
Smart Devices and smart staff | Kay Munro and Karen Stevenson | University of Glasgow Library | 蘇格蘭 | |
23 MobileThings: A Case Study | Karryl Kim Sagun | Ateneo de Manila University | 菲律賓 | |
Joan Wee | Nanyang Technological University | 新加坡 | ||
1C – 普及和可穿戴技術對圖書館未來的影響 (主持人: 聶華) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層三號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
librARy and e-leARning: further adventures with augmented reality | Nitin Parmar, Kate Robinson and Marie Salter | University of Bath | 英國 | |
Research Support with Optical Character Recognition Apps | Jim Hahn | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | 美國 | |
The un-intentional iPad-lending program | Kristy Lee | Sojourner Truth Library | 美國 | |
WhatsApp at HKUST Library - a new channel for user communication | Victoria Caplan | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library | 香港 | |
Ki-Tat Lam | ||||
12:30 | 午膳 | |||
14:00 |
主題演講: 藍澧銓教授, 香港中文大學「學能提升研究中心」 摘要 | PowerPoint 簡報 | 影片 (主持人: Prof Mohamed Ally) |
15:00 | 分組報告2 | |||
2A – 圖書館運用流動通訊技術的最佳實踐 (主持人: May Chang) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層五號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
Mobile Information Literacy for libraries: A case study on requirements for an effective Information Literacy Program | Shri Ram | Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan | 印度 | |
John Paul Anbu | University of Swaziland Libraries, Swaziland | 史瓦濟蘭 | ||
Dr. Sanjay Kataria | Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida | 印度 | ||
Mapping and the Library Services at UOC | Carme Fenoll | Generalitat de Catalunya | 西班牙 | |
Pep Torn and Anna Zúῆiga | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Library | |||
Mobile Libraries of the Future: From Device to User | Tony Tin and Dr. Colleen McMillan | University of Waterloo’s Renison University College | 加拿大 | |
How to focus your limited resources | Lizzie Caperon | Edward Boyle Library, University of Leeds | 英國 | |
2B – 圖書館採用創新的流動通訊技術所面對的挑戰和策略 (主持人: 林美珍) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層四號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
Perceptions of Library Professionals towards Innovative use of Short Message Service (SMS) for library services in public libraries in Nigeria | Nkem E. Osuigwe, Chinelo O. Jiagbogu and Nkechi S. Udeze | Prof. Kenneth Dike State Central e-library, Awka | 尼日利亞 | |
Ebele N. Anyaoku | Medical Library, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University | |||
Innovation, leadership and strategy in the mobile delivery of the digital library: challenges and quick wins | Lorraine Beard | Manchester University | 英國 | |
From ‘mobile first’ to ‘user first’ | Johan Tilstra | Utrecht University Library | 荷蘭 | |
From Brick to Click and Click to Mobile: Transforming Libraries with mobile technology | Geeta Paliwal | University College of Medical Sciences | 印度 | |
Dr. PK Jain | Institute of Economic Growth University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi | |||
2C – 利用流動通訊技術提升全民信息獲取與實現新紀元的發展目標 (主持人: J. K. Vijayakumar) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層三號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
M-Agricultural information services in Zimbabwean Libraries: Drawbacks and opportunities in facilitating access to information to agricultural production | Collence Chisita and Thambani Malapela | Harare Polytechnic's School of Information Sciences | 津巴布韋 | |
The Geography of Information | Andrew Carlos | California State University | 美國 | |
From Physical Exercise to Mobile Wellness: Design and Develop a Qi Gong App to enhance quality of life with seniors with mild dementia | Dr. Colleen McMillan and Tony Tin | University of Waterloo’s Renison, University College | 加拿大 | |
Mobile technologies enhancing Information Access for All and pursuing the millennium development goals | Liau Yi Chin | National Library Board | 新加坡 | |
16:30 | 第一天會議完結,旅遊車前往港鐵站 |
8:30 | 註冊 | |||
8:55 | 歡迎 | |||
9:00 |
主題演講 - 姜愛蓉女士 (清華大學圖書館) (以普通話報告, 配合同聲傳譯) 摘要 | PowerPoint 簡報 | 影片 (主持人: 劉麗芝) |
10:00 | 茶歇 | |||
10:15 | 分組報告3 | |||
3A – 繼續中國發展 (以普通話報告,配合同聲傳譯) (主持人: 劉麗芝) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層五號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
流動圖書館倫理研究 | 張建平 | 南京師範大學圖書館 | 中國 | |
移動圖書館構建與服務探析---以浙江大學為例 | 陳海英 | 浙江大學圖書與信息中心 | 中國 | |
無時不在,無處不在的圖書館 | 翟東亮 | 超星集團移動事業部 | 中國 | |
3B – 圖書館運用流動通訊技術的最佳實踐 (主持人: Anna Zúῆiga Ruiz) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層四號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
Continual Assessment Leads the Way: Best Practices in Mobile Website Design and Maintenance | Laurie M. Bridges and Hannah Gascho Rempel | Oregon State University | 美國 | |
Design and testing of mobile library websites: Best practices in creating mobile library applications | John Paul Anbu | University of Swaziland Libraries | 史瓦濟蘭 | |
Sanjay Kataria | Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University | 印度 | ||
Library Tour Evolution (Analog-Digital-Mobile) | Michael J.Whitchurch | Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University | 美國 | |
*Workshop session* A Manifesto for Mobile: Developing a Shared Mobile Resources Checklist |
Mark Williams | JISC | 英國 | |
3C – 圖書館採用創新的流動通訊技術所面對的挑戰和策略 (主持人: Kate Robinson) (會議地點:香港中文大學李兆基樓UG層三號演講廳) |
題目 | 主講者 | 機構 | 國家 | |
Mobile Application and services in Academic Libraries: A Survey of University Libraries in New Delhi, the Capital City of India | Dr. Seema Chandhok | Indira Gandhi National Open University, Library & Documentation Division | 印度 | |
Dr. Parveen Babbar | Jawaharlal Nehru University, Central Library | |||
Digital Knowledge in Mobile User Scenarios – the Approach of the Bavarian State Library | Dr. Klaus Ceynowa | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | 德國 | |
Mobile frontiers: real or perceived? | Alison Mackenzie | Edge Hill University | 英國 | |
Does position within the library affect mobile technology acceptance? | Sarah-Jane Saravani | Waikato Institute of Technology | 紐西蘭 | |
Dr. Gaby Haddow | Curtin University, Perth | 澳洲 | ||
Educational Use of Mobile Technologies Amongst Library Information Science (LIS) Students- a Comparative Study Between the University of Hong Kong and the University of Tsukuba | Dickson Chiu, Dr. Zvjezdana Dukic | University of Hong Kong | 香港 | |
Dr. Patrick Lo | University of Tsukuba | 日本 | ||
12:15 | 午膳 | |||
13:15 | 參觀圖書館– 香港中文大學大學圖書館系統 進學園 | |||
14:30 |
What next for mobile technologies and libraries? – 專家討論會 主持: Sarah-Jane Saravani |
15:00 |
閉幕主題演講- Dr. Joan Lippincott (Coalition for Networked Information) 摘要 | PowerPoint 簡報 | 影片 (主持人: Gill Needham) |
16:00 | 閉幕式及來年會議公佈 | |||
16:30 | 會議完結 |
香港中文大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港城市大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港浸會大學圖書館中醫藥圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港理工大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
嶺南大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港科技大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港教育學院圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |
香港大學圖書館 | 上午10:30 | 下午2:30 |